Sunday, May 9, 2010

Do As I'm Doing

Etta loves to do anything and everything that I am doing. She loves to talk on her cell phone.
She loves to wear shoes and clothes like mine. If I'm wearing a dress she wants to wear her "rina, too!" She also loves to wear my jewelry and carry a backpack or purse.
When I'm reading she goes and gets one of her books and must be reading too.
Everytime we get in the car she says Etta drive, Etta drive. So when we get home I let her sit in the front seat where she can honk the horn, push the hazard button, and pull down the visor to check herself out in the mirror wearing her cool glasses.
When I'm paying bills she says Etta color too, Etta draw!
This girl absolutely loves 16 grain pancakes. Every morning she says pancakes, downstairs, eat! Then she goes downstairs and pulls a chair over to the stove because we cannot cook any more without her wanting to now this is the routine.
She loves pushing strollers and grocery carts, just like mom.
We painted her toenails for the first time the other day and she was lovin it going around showing everyone her "beautiful toes."
She has to help me sweep and vacuum or she loses her mind and she loves helping me wipe up. Every time she's done eating now she asks for a wipe to get all clean and wipe the table.
And let's not forget about Liam...she is definitely Liam's second mommy. If she sees a binky she gets it and puts it in his mouth. She takes his blanket and then "helps" cover him as she smothers his face...Liam warm, Liam warm. She loves to burp him. She tries to help change his diaper...Liam diaper, yucky poos, all clean. She tries to brush his hair...Liam hair, Liam pretty. If Liam cries, she cries, then says hokay Liam, hokay Liam, don't cry as she hits him on the head.
It seriously kills me how cute this girl is and how much she talks.
We love this baby!

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