Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Past Pictures not Posted

So I've been working on organizing our pics on the sweet new desktop we got and I came across a bunch that some how escaped me. So here they are...
Some how I was convinced to take Etta to McDonald's playhouse ;) it was actually really fun but still a little too big for her. I also tried an egg mcmuffin for the first time and it was in no way all it was cracked up to be. Apparently it's all about the sausage egg mcmuffin which I didn't know but I don't think I need to try it to know it's not for me.

We went with good friends Beth and Archer...

This was a freak really hot day in April so we busted out the pool with friends.

At david and lindsey's for a springtime party...

More friends from our hot day in early spring...
Jimmy who we miss...

Kennedy who hasn't left us yet but really wasn't lovin the pool yet either.

Addysin who is also very missed by Etta...

I don't know who she was throwing this at but is it terrible that instead of stopping her I was taking what I thought to be a great pic? :) Whoops.

Wheeler Farms on a very blustery day...
Etta looovvess animals so this is a great place for her...and it's free!

She was both excited and terrified for this picture.

Lovin the saddle.

This girl kills me...

Mace face!

Funny faces!

Etta was dying to take a pony ride! It was only a few bucks and we hadn't paid to get in the farms so I figured why not. She would not let go of me and hold on to that horse. She was looking at me with total nervous elation the whole time.

Cutie cousin Mason and Aunt Jacqueline.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

That pool party was way fun! If we get some insanely warm day this cold November, let's pull it back out.